Code of Conduct

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All of the consultants at Wiser Technology Advice pledge to abide by our by our Code of Conduct, to ensure you receive independent quality, ethical services.

  1. It is the objective of each consultant to assist his or her clients to add value to the client’s enterprise; whether that enterprise takes the form of a business, a not-for-profit organisation or any element of government.
  2. Each consultant will serve their clients with integrity, competence, objectivity, independence and professionalism.
  3. Each consultant will only accept assignments that the consultant is competent to perform; and, on a client project, will only assign staff or engage colleagues with knowledge and expertise relevant to the client project.
  4. Before accepting any engagement a consultant will establish with the client realistic expectations of the objectives, scope, expected benefits, work plan and fee structure of the assignment.
  5. Each consultant will agree in advance with the client on the basis for fees and expenses. We will charge fees that are reasonable; commensurate with the services delivered, the value created and the risk or responsibility accepted.
  6. Each consultant recognises that the client’s enterprise has many stakeholders whose interests are sometimes divergent, and will seek to balance and reconcile these different interests in their guidance to the client.
  7. Each consultant’s advice to the client will be delivered with independence and courage; always focussing on the long-term best interests of the enterprise as a whole, even when this guidance may lead to actions such as restructuring or retrenchments that may be painful in the short-term.
  8. Each consultant will continually invest in professional development to keep abreast of evolving knowledge within their profession and in areas of technical expertise.
  9. Each consultant will treat all confidential client information appropriately; will take reasonable steps to prevent access to confidential information by unauthorised people and will not take advantage of proprietary or privileged information, for use by the consultant or others, without the client’s permission.
  10. Each consultant will avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such, and will disclose to the client immediately any circumstances or interests that they believe may influence their judgment or objectivity.
  11. Each consultant will offer to withdraw from a consulting assignment when they believe their objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
  12. Each consultant will represent the profession with integrity and professionalism in their relations with clients, colleagues and the general public.
  13. Each consultant will respect the rights of consulting colleagues and consulting firms and will not use their proprietary information or methodologies without permission.
  14. Each consultant will report to appropriate authorities within or external to the client organisation any occurrences of malfeasance, dangerous behaviour or illegal activities discovered during the course of an assignment.
  15. Each consultant will not accept commissions, remuneration, or other benefits from a third party in connection with any recommendations to a client without that client’s prior knowledge and consent, and will disclose in advance any financial interests in goods or services that form part of such recommendations.
  16. Each consultant will refrain from inviting an employee of an active or inactive client to consider alternative employment without prior discussion with the client.
  17. Each consultant will not advertise their services in a deceptive manner nor misrepresent or denigrate individual consulting practitioners, consulting firms, or the consulting profession.
  18. Each consultant will promote adherence to the Code of Conduct by all other consultants working on their behalf.

The Consultant’s Pledge

As a management consultant my professional objective is to assist my clients to add value to their enterprise, whether that enterprise takes the form of a business, a not-for-profit organisation or any element of government. I pledge to uphold and promote the Weiser Solutions Code of Conduct in all my consulting activities. I will serve my clients with integrity, competence, objectivity, independence and professionalism. I will only accept assignments that I am competent to perform and, on a client project, will only assign staff or engage colleagues who have knowledge and expertise appropriate to that client’s needs. I will establish with my clients realistic expectations of the benefits and results of my services. Together we will define the scope and process of the assignment and the basis of remuneration. I pledge that considerations of personal benefit will never over-ride my focus on the interests of the client or their stakeholders. I promise to uphold both the letter and the spirit of laws, regulations and contracts governing my own conduct, that of my client and of the societies in which we both operate. My personal behaviour will exemplify the values I publicly espouse in making this pledge. I will be equally vigilant in ensuring the professional behaviour of other consultants engaged by Weiser Solutions and will bring to attention any violation of this shared professional code. I will not permit considerations of race, gender, nationality, religion, politics, sexual orientation or social status to influence my professional behaviour or advice. I will be respectful of those whose wellbeing may be contingent on my decisions or advice. I will diligently apply objective judgement to all consulting assignments, based on the best information available to me. I will conduct independent research and analysis where possible, and will consult with colleagues and others who can help inform my judgement. I will continually invest in professional development to keep abreast of evolving knowledge within my profession and in my areas of technical expertise. I recognise that my status and privileges as a professional stem from the respect and trust that the profession as a whole enjoys; and I accept my responsibility to employ, protect and develop the above standards to enhance that respect and trust.
I do so solemnly pledge.

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